This is the itinerary of the closure. Our balconies are located in Section 3. The closure starts on the Santo Domingo corrals and ends at the end of Estafeta Road wherethe Bullfight ring is located. The streets through which the closure unfolds are four: Santo Domingo, Plaza Consitorial, Mercaderes and Estafeta. The entire stretch of the closure has a length of 825 meters, which are covered by the mozos (runners) and bulls in an average time of three to four minutes. We have experience exceptional running’s that lasted over ten minutes but these wheremostly when a bull was “descolgado” disoriented and didn´t follow the herd.
In the most recent years that Hemingway enjoyed the Sanfermines, he used to stay in room 217 of the hotel "La Perla", from whose balcony saw the running of the bulls. But in his early years in San Fermin as acorrespondent for the weekly Canadian "Toronto Star Weekly" he stayed in other places as didn´t have enough resources to stay in that hotel. of three to four minutes.