Last August (2011), a young French man, who had arrived in Navarre in order to enjoy a prelude to the World Youth Day and who was seeing the Monument of the Running of the Bulls situated in the middle of Pamplona "became so exited taking photos that he slipped an was stuck by a horn" from one of the bullsof bronce that represents the emblematic running of the bulls of San Fermin.
At seeing the blood of is companion , one of the other young men that accompanied him fainted and both had to be brought to the Hospital of Navarre, where they were treated and subsequently released. Pamplona City Council has made the decision to prohibit anyone from climbing on the monument of the running of the bulls placed on Roncesvalles Avenue in 2007.
Pamplona City Council has made the decision to prohibit anyone from climbing on the monument of the running of the bulls placed on Roncesvalles Avenue in 2007.
The monument is of six bulls, three bullocks, and ten young men, made of bronze, with a total weight of more than ten tons.
The young men and bulls depict the journey of the running of the bulls over some cobblestones that simulate the pavement on Estafeta and that were made ‘in situ’ once the sculpture was placed.
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