Senior´s Day
06.45-07.30 Dianas. Town Hall Square and Bullfight Ring.
08.00 Running of Bulls. Seven Running of the San Fermin Festival. Juan Pedro Domecq. Livestock.
09.30 Giantsand Big-Heads Parade´s Walk out starting from the old Central Bus Station and following along this streets Bus Station, Fuero´s Plaza and Vuelta del Castilloto visit the House of Mercy. Returning along Vuelta del Castillo, Fueros´ Plaza,Yanguas y Miranda, Calle Nueva, and Plaza San Francisco, where they will rest.
Continuing through the following streets: San Francisco, Ansoleaga, San Saturnino, Nueva, Plaza del Consejo, Zapatería, Pozoblanco, San Nicolas, San Miguel, Paseo de Sarasate, Alhóndiga, Tudela, Conde Oliveto, Plaza de la Paz and Bus Station.
11.00 Mass for Seniors. San Fermin Chapel. Followed by the parade up to the Paseo de Sarasate.
11.30 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Events and attractions for children until 14.00 hours.
12.00 Special Concert for the Senior´s Day. Paseo de Sarasate. Rondallas Yoar and Jus la Rocha.
12.00 Music Bands Walkout. City Hall Square, Plaza del Castillo and Calle Descalzos.
12.00 Herri Kirol. (Basque Sports) Fueros´ Plaza.
13.00 Music Bands. Plaza de la Cruz.
13.00 Euskal Music (Basque Music) Taconera´s Park, from13.00 to 14.00 pm
13.30 Regional Music. El Bosquecillo.
17.30 Knights Parade in the Bullfight Ring with their mulillas and Music Band from Town Hall Square to the Bulfight Ring.
18.00 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Events and attractions for children until 21.00.
18.00 Jotas Singing Contest (Navarre´s Regional Singing).Town Hall Square
18.30 Seventh bullfight of Bull´s Fair. Bullfight Ring. Juan Pedro Domecq Livestock for El Fandi,
Miguel Angel Perea and Alejandro Talavante.
19:30 Euskal Musika ( Basque Music). Taconera´s Park.
20.00 Verbena. Plaza de la Cruz. Década Prodigiosa Performance up to 22.00.
20.30 Fueros´ Plaza Local groups music "TheJambos" and "Joseba Irazoki" until 22.30.
20.30 Regional Music. El Bosquecillo.
20.30 Master Villarejo Puppet´s Show.. Plaza Conde Rodezno. Gorgorito: "The Lord of the Stakes."
21.00 Music from Here. Plaza del Castillo. Danceable Txistuand Bagpipes.
21.00 Walking Around. Steet show. "Insects"Zomorroak company (Navarra), in Avenida Carlos III.
22.00 Bull of Fire. Plaza de Santiago.
23.00 Fireworks. Ciudadela Park Eighth International Competition collection Sanfermines 2012. Valencian Fireworks
23.30 Fueros´Plaza.Performance of "Sidonie"
23.30 Verbena.Plaza de la Cruz. Millenium Orchestra, until 1.30 am.
00.00 Concert.Plaza del Castillo. "Revolver" Music Group.
00.00 Euskal Musika (Basque Music). Taconera´s Park."Anari" Group Performance.
00.00 Verbena. Antoniutti´s Park. "Sonora Real" Orchestrauntil 03.00 am.
06.45-07.30 Dianas. Town Hall Square and Bullfight Ring.
08.00 Running of Bulls. Seven Running of the San Fermin Festival. Juan Pedro Domecq. Livestock.
09.30 Giantsand Big-Heads Parade´s Walk out starting from the old Central Bus Station and following along this streets Bus Station, Fuero´s Plaza and Vuelta del Castilloto visit the House of Mercy. Returning along Vuelta del Castillo, Fueros´ Plaza,Yanguas y Miranda, Calle Nueva, and Plaza San Francisco, where they will rest.
Continuing through the following streets: San Francisco, Ansoleaga, San Saturnino, Nueva, Plaza del Consejo, Zapatería, Pozoblanco, San Nicolas, San Miguel, Paseo de Sarasate, Alhóndiga, Tudela, Conde Oliveto, Plaza de la Paz and Bus Station.
11.00 Mass for Seniors. San Fermin Chapel. Followed by the parade up to the Paseo de Sarasate.
11.30 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Events and attractions for children until 14.00 hours.
12.00 Special Concert for the Senior´s Day. Paseo de Sarasate. Rondallas Yoar and Jus la Rocha.
12.00 Music Bands Walkout. City Hall Square, Plaza del Castillo and Calle Descalzos.
12.00 Herri Kirol. (Basque Sports) Fueros´ Plaza.
13.00 Music Bands. Plaza de la Cruz.
13.00 Euskal Music (Basque Music) Taconera´s Park, from13.00 to 14.00 pm
13.30 Regional Music. El Bosquecillo.
17.30 Knights Parade in the Bullfight Ring with their mulillas and Music Band from Town Hall Square to the Bulfight Ring.
18.00 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Events and attractions for children until 21.00.
18.00 Jotas Singing Contest (Navarre´s Regional Singing).Town Hall Square
18.30 Seventh bullfight of Bull´s Fair. Bullfight Ring. Juan Pedro Domecq Livestock for El Fandi,
Miguel Angel Perea and Alejandro Talavante.
19:30 Euskal Musika ( Basque Music). Taconera´s Park.
20.00 Verbena. Plaza de la Cruz. Década Prodigiosa Performance up to 22.00.
20.30 Fueros´ Plaza Local groups music "TheJambos" and "Joseba Irazoki" until 22.30.
20.30 Regional Music. El Bosquecillo.
20.30 Master Villarejo Puppet´s Show.. Plaza Conde Rodezno. Gorgorito: "The Lord of the Stakes."
21.00 Music from Here. Plaza del Castillo. Danceable Txistuand Bagpipes.
21.00 Walking Around. Steet show. "Insects"Zomorroak company (Navarra), in Avenida Carlos III.
22.00 Bull of Fire. Plaza de Santiago.
23.00 Fireworks. Ciudadela Park Eighth International Competition collection Sanfermines 2012. Valencian Fireworks
23.30 Fueros´Plaza.Performance of "Sidonie"
23.30 Verbena.Plaza de la Cruz. Millenium Orchestra, until 1.30 am.
00.00 Concert.Plaza del Castillo. "Revolver" Music Group.
00.00 Euskal Musika (Basque Music). Taconera´s Park."Anari" Group Performance.
00.00 Verbena. Antoniutti´s Park. "Sonora Real" Orchestrauntil 03.00 am.
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