06.45 Dianas Town Hall Square and Bullfight Ring.
08.00 Running of Bulls. Eighth and last day of this years San Fermin Festival. Torrehandilla-Torreherberos Livestock
09.30 Giantsand Big-heads Last Parade´s Walkout. They will tour around the following streets, Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas y Miranda, Garcia Ximenez, Tudela, Plaza del Vinculo, Paseo Sarasate, Comedias, Pozoblanco, Zapatería, Plaza Consistorial (Town Hall Square). From this square will be accompanied by the Municipal Corporation along the following streets San Saturnino, Mayor and San Lorenzo, where he held the Octava (Eighth) of San Fermin.
During the function the Parade will rest in the Mayor Street. The Corporation will be followed the the Mayor and San Saturnino Streets up to the Town Hall. Upon their arrival various dances will be performed not only in their honour but the city´s. After it the Parade will go leave through the following streets, Calle Nueva, Plaza del Consejo and Zapatería to come back to the Town Hall Square where the Giants and Big Heads will perform their Farewell Ceremony to all the children.
10.45 Octava deSan Fermin. Town Hall Square.The Municipal Corporation is directed to the Parish of San Lorenzo to attend the function. Cathedral´s Music Chapel.
11.00 Navarre´s Competition of Lida Bulls (Fighting Bulls) Breeders. Rings Modality. € 15 adults and children under 12, 8 €. Macua-Corera Livestock
11.30 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Eventsand attractions for children until 14.00 hours.
12.00 Music Bands Walkout. Carlos III Avenue.
12.00 JotasSinging contest. Paseo de Sarasate.
12.00 Herri Kirol.(Basque Sports) Fuero´s Plaza. Navarre´s Championship of Haizkolaris Woodchoppers) 3rd Category. Navarre´s Championship for Cart Lifting. Truss Launching Exhibition.
13.00 Euskal music. Taconera Gardens
13.00 Music Bands. Plaza de la Cruz.
14.00. Farewell to the Giants and Big Heads. Town Hall Square.
17.30 Kinghts Parade with their mulilas and Music Band from Town Hall to the Bullfight Ring.
18.00 Jotas (Navarre´s Popular Singing) Round . Jotas School from Buñuel.
18.30 Eighthand last Bullfight of the Bull´s Fair. Bullfight Ring. The TorreherberosTorrehandilla livestock against the following matadors Juan José Padilla, ElJuli y Daniel Luque.
18.00 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Events and attractions for children. At 20.00 hours, Final Party.
19.30 Euskal Musika (Basque Music). Taconera´s Park. Mielotxin Performance.
20.00 MasterVillarejo Puppets Show. Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Gorgorito: "The Fairie´s MagicCrystal"
20.00 Verbena.Plaza de la Cruz. “Chuchín Ibañez and his Mariachis”performance up to 22.00.
20.30 Regional Music. El Bosquecillo. Extremadura Regional Home Performance in their site.
21.00 Music from Here. Plaza del Castillo. Danceable Txistus and Bagpipes.
22.00 Bull of Fire. Plaza de Santiago.
22.00 Music Bands Walkout.From the Plaza San Francisco and ending in the Plaza del Castillo.
23.00 Fireworks. Paque de la Ciudadela. Ninth International Competition collection Sanfermines 2012. Vulcano Pyrotechnics (Madrid).
23.30 Euskal Musika (Basque Music). Taconera´s Park. Las Valium Performance.
00.00 End of the San Fermin Festival with El Guti. Plaza del Consejo.
00.00 End of the Festival of San Fermin. Town Hall Square. Pobre de mi! (Poor me!) and final Fireworks.
08.00 Running of Bulls. Eighth and last day of this years San Fermin Festival. Torrehandilla-Torreherberos Livestock
09.30 Giantsand Big-heads Last Parade´s Walkout. They will tour around the following streets, Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas y Miranda, Garcia Ximenez, Tudela, Plaza del Vinculo, Paseo Sarasate, Comedias, Pozoblanco, Zapatería, Plaza Consistorial (Town Hall Square). From this square will be accompanied by the Municipal Corporation along the following streets San Saturnino, Mayor and San Lorenzo, where he held the Octava (Eighth) of San Fermin.
During the function the Parade will rest in the Mayor Street. The Corporation will be followed the the Mayor and San Saturnino Streets up to the Town Hall. Upon their arrival various dances will be performed not only in their honour but the city´s. After it the Parade will go leave through the following streets, Calle Nueva, Plaza del Consejo and Zapatería to come back to the Town Hall Square where the Giants and Big Heads will perform their Farewell Ceremony to all the children.
10.45 Octava deSan Fermin. Town Hall Square.The Municipal Corporation is directed to the Parish of San Lorenzo to attend the function. Cathedral´s Music Chapel.
11.00 Navarre´s Competition of Lida Bulls (Fighting Bulls) Breeders. Rings Modality. € 15 adults and children under 12, 8 €. Macua-Corera Livestock
11.30 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Eventsand attractions for children until 14.00 hours.
12.00 Music Bands Walkout. Carlos III Avenue.
12.00 JotasSinging contest. Paseo de Sarasate.
12.00 Herri Kirol.(Basque Sports) Fuero´s Plaza. Navarre´s Championship of Haizkolaris Woodchoppers) 3rd Category. Navarre´s Championship for Cart Lifting. Truss Launching Exhibition.
13.00 Euskal music. Taconera Gardens
13.00 Music Bands. Plaza de la Cruz.
14.00. Farewell to the Giants and Big Heads. Town Hall Square.
17.30 Kinghts Parade with their mulilas and Music Band from Town Hall to the Bullfight Ring.
18.00 Jotas (Navarre´s Popular Singing) Round . Jotas School from Buñuel.
18.30 Eighthand last Bullfight of the Bull´s Fair. Bullfight Ring. The TorreherberosTorrehandilla livestock against the following matadors Juan José Padilla, ElJuli y Daniel Luque.
18.00 What a Holidays! Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Events and attractions for children. At 20.00 hours, Final Party.
19.30 Euskal Musika (Basque Music). Taconera´s Park. Mielotxin Performance.
20.00 MasterVillarejo Puppets Show. Plaza Conde de Rodezno. Gorgorito: "The Fairie´s MagicCrystal"
20.00 Verbena.Plaza de la Cruz. “Chuchín Ibañez and his Mariachis”performance up to 22.00.
20.30 Regional Music. El Bosquecillo. Extremadura Regional Home Performance in their site.
21.00 Music from Here. Plaza del Castillo. Danceable Txistus and Bagpipes.
22.00 Bull of Fire. Plaza de Santiago.
22.00 Music Bands Walkout.From the Plaza San Francisco and ending in the Plaza del Castillo.
23.00 Fireworks. Paque de la Ciudadela. Ninth International Competition collection Sanfermines 2012. Vulcano Pyrotechnics (Madrid).
23.30 Euskal Musika (Basque Music). Taconera´s Park. Las Valium Performance.
00.00 End of the San Fermin Festival with El Guti. Plaza del Consejo.
00.00 End of the Festival of San Fermin. Town Hall Square. Pobre de mi! (Poor me!) and final Fireworks.
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