Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The music group indi "San Fermín" New York

San Fermin, our most international festival increasingly widens over its borders, physical and cultural. This time the surprise has come from New York, which has last year witnessed the birth of the awarded group revelation in the Big Apple named San Fermin.
The group, led by Ellis Ludwig-Leone, published last year 2013 their first album, self-titled and they already have created their first video: Sonsick, wherein a little girls and have a peculiar game of hide and seek in the woods and birthday parties.

As Ludwig-Leone explained in an interview with Earbudy.net, the name of the band was "born in the Running of the Bulls held in Pamplona. I loved this spirit of all or nothing where the people participating in the famous bullrun get voluntarily in danger just to feel more alive. "
After reaching the top of the music lists of New York specialized media, "San Fermin" Music band will start their tour inUnited States and then, travel to Europe to perform for several weeks. We truly hope they will be coming to Pamplona!

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