In 2012 the film “The Guard” was released in Spain. Sergeant Gerry Boyle is a man who carries out his work in a very peculiar way: away from all conceivable rules, but keeping a strange line of consistency that always end up agreeing with him. One day a man happened to be killed and he discovered that a drug gang is about to introduce in the country a huge amount of drugs. Together with an FBI agent, he will try to unmask those responsible.
In one of main the moments of the film, one of the bad guys points with his gun to Sergeant Gerry Boyle (Brendan Gleeson), and after an intense conversation, the sergeant shoots the baddy. In his very last breath he talks about his unfulfilled dreams and one the them was participate in the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona. This particular moment reflects the Anglo American tradition of making a list of things to do before dying known as the "Bucket list" in Spanish List of life.
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