Tuesday, June 17, 2014

San Fermín and Wifi - WLAN

Wifi, also called WLAN (wireless lan, wireless network) or IEEE 802.11 standard, is an abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity. Its speed and range (about 100-150 meters on affordable hardware) is what it make it a perfect formula for wireless Internet access.

Pamplona´s City Council has facilitated internet access by establishing wifi zones in different areas of the city. You can find it in: Palacio del Condestable (Condestable Palace), La ciudadela (The Citadel), La Avenida Carlos III,, Plaza del Castillo, Vuelta del Castillo, Parque de la Media Luna (near the bullring) and el Parque de la Taconera (Taconera´s Park).You will find that many bars will offer free wifi so don´t be shy as ask for the password.
If you are not sure, at the Tourism Office will indicate you where is the closest one.

While safely watching and enjoying the Running of the Bulls in one of our privileged rent balconies spots. Do not hesitate to ask the wifi password to the Sanferminbalconies.com guide that will be taking care of you during your unique experience with us.


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